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    Porcelain tile body solutions

    2019-07-10 16:45:11 admin 1332
    Tile body solutions
    (1) For porcelain tiles and wall tiles with spray drying process. Juncera provides the professional raw material chemical analysis, design body formulation and firing condition and circle.
    (2) For wall tiles with dry powder process, Juncera provides raw material analysis and exclusive glaze formulation and body formulation.
    (3) For porcelain tiles with dry powder process, Juncera provides the most advanced data analysis, dry milling coefficient and other specific parameters.
    • Good life plan

    • Smart toilet
    • Rock board home life
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    BoTest 陶瓷網 武漢理工大學 vbglaze

    Copyright (c) 2002-2021 Zibo juncera Ceramic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 魯ICP備19003072號-1 E-mail Technical Support:YUYISTUDIO

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