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    Together to fight the epidemic

    2022-03-25 10:01:06 Juncera 940

    Together to fight the epidemic

    A wave of COVID-19 has disrupted people's normal and orderly rhythm of work and life.  To fight the COVID-19 pandemic, Juncera issued a call for volunteers together.  Under the current situation of the epidemic and the gathering order, Juntao people are duty-bound to carry forward the spirit of volunteerism with practical actions and seriously participate in the anti-epidemic work in the communities where they live.  


    Some of them wear volunteer red and stick to their posts, working side by side with community workers to help with nucleic acid testing, material distribution, publicity and guidance.  Wearing protective suits and armed to the teeth, they went into the risk containment area and distributed basic supplies door to door, provided logistical support, and went all out to fight the epidemic and ensure the normal life of the community.  


    With courage, responsibility and dedication,Juncera has actively responded to the frontline needs of the fight against the epidemic and contributed to the prevention and control of the epidemic.  


            "This time there is an epidemic in my city, so I have to do something!"  "Said Wang Shuai, our general manager of domestic sales.  After signing up as volunteers, they punch in the community every day, take the initiative to undertake the epidemic prevention and elimination work in the small area, regularly disinfect each area of the community, cooperate with the property management to do a good job in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and ensure the home safety of the owners of the community. 


    Love can be passed on.  The team of volunteers is still growing, everyone is doing their best to contribute to the community, so that the home, more warm. 

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